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Vegas Casinos and Slots

The good news is that many Vegas casinos and slots intentionally allow more winning odds to players in exchange for promotional values. If we just know how to pinpoint these slots we make slotting a profitable experience.

Casinos willing to reduce their odds and give more payouts to patrons are sure to do that with some ulterior motives. They will always want value for their money. They do this to bring in more clients using their machines more. The trick here is to render several loose slot machines very visible to the public. They often choose a spot or area in the casino where people tend to crowd more and place these loose machines conspicuously there. The tight ones they place in less conspicuous places.

So the next time we drop by casinos for a session of slots we look for machines in conspicuous areas like the front desk, the counters where patrons fall in line, snack bars, drink bars, main paths or aisles, lounges or wait areas, or the buffet area. Anywhere people in the casino stop by or loiter and look around the place. In such areas a slot machine is bound to be displayed and is likely to be loose.

The idea is that these loose machines so situated would easily attract attention to the nearby crowd once the jackpots start pouring in. This would appeal to the loitering clients and guests and hopefully create a great flowing for the machines and the casino. Does it work for the casino? The key here is that if the trick works for the people it will work for the casino. There we have the relationship between Vegas casinos and slots.

In fact, most casinos are promoted by the effectiveness of their slots. Another fact is that slots symbolize casinos and vice versa. Hence, casino owners depend on and invest so much on slots. With other casino gambling games, all they need to invest in are tables and chairs, cards, and roulette wheels. Slots cost more. So with their maintenance. They need to be updated and inspected regularly.

The promo with loose machines often goes with a sign that announces "Up to (a certain percentage) payout." The insinuation is that slot machines in this casino can yield up to a certain attractive percentages for the player. This does not mean all the machines have such bonus payouts. Thus, Vegas casinos and slots are strategically linked to up casino profitability and popularity.




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