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A Vegas Slots Strategy that Works

What's the best Vegas slots strategy? Is it a combination pattern progression? Is it a slot machine selection? These things will help. But the powerful strategy here is bankroll management. When we have the right mindset about money management, we increase slots' profitability.

Put a limit to the number of tries we make with a certain slot machine. Some players tend to develop undue loyalty with a slot machine. One win makes them stick to the same machine even when the losing streaks appear. When a win is allowed us by a machine, we try some more from 3 to 4 tries. But when a win seem not forthcoming the best strategy here is to transfer to another machine.

We should watch out that the win we keep in the bankroll is not diminished considerably by silly decisions like loyalty to a machine. Sometimes we tend to develop a superstitious preference over a machine just because it once yielded us a win. We must be loyal to our bankroll, not to any particular machine.

If in 6 pulls the machine does not allow us any win, it's a clear signal for us to look for another. In 6 pulls, we give a machine enough chances to prove it's pull-worthiness. This also gives us the reasonable limit of how much percent of the bankroll we are willing to devote to a particular machine. This could also form the basis of how much of the bankroll we are willing to devote to slots games.

The important factor is never to hesitate leaving when the losing streaks appear. There are other slot machines and casinos. Don't waste energy believing in "lucky" slots or casinos. We make our own lucky timings. There are many instances when quitting altogether is the best gambler's option. Quitting is also a gamble, and at times may be the best form of it. When the bankroll amount we have set is depleted, it is always best to quit and go somewhere else. What we don't want to happen in slots is returning every won chip or coin back to the casino through losses. We defeat the very purpose of gambling when that happens.

A good bankroll management is to keep or secure certain amounts won periodically as we play. We should have the discipline to spend only the set bankroll amount. It is good to secure 25 or 50 percent of the winnings every 2 wins. This is among he few Vegas slots strategy that works real wonders.




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